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Wrapper Classes
- Wrapper classes for primtives are a mechanism to include primitives in activities reserved for objects. e.g. being part of Collections.
- Wrapper objects are immutable !
- All have two constructors - one takes a primitive, other a string representation.
- A valueOf() method also takes a string and returns a wrapper object in return. Also accepts an optional base (for Octal, Hex etc)
- Wrapper to primitive - use the xxxValue() methods like intValue() and floatValue()
- String to primitive - e.g. Integer.parseInt("22"), Double.parseDouble("3.14");
- toString() returns the string representation of the value represented by the wrapper.
- also base conversion is possible through static utility methods in Integer and Long - e.g. toBinaryString(), toHexString() and toOctalString().
Autoboxing Intro
- New feature in Java 5 which avoids having to manually wrap and unwrap a primitive.
- A wrapper can be used like a primitive.
- But since wrappers are immutable, any "change" in the wrappers value leads to a new wrapper object being created. See below: incrementing y means y will refer to a new object.
Integer y = new Integer(42);
Integer x = y;
System.out.println(x==y); //Prints true
System.out.println(x==y); //Prints false
- Wrapper's equals() method will check if the values are the same.
- Like the string pool, JVM tries to save memory when wrappers are used, so a pool is maintained for certain values of wrappers.
- The '==' operator will return true when for wrapper references when their values are the same and they:
- All Boolean Wrappers
- All Byte Wrappers
- Character from \u0000 to \u007f
- Short and Integer from -128 to 127
- In every case when an exact match isnt found - the JVM uses the method with the smallest argument that is wider than the parameter.
- Widening is preferred over Boxing. This is to allow legacy code to function the way it used to.
public class OverloadTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 42;
static void foo(Integer x) {
static void foo(float f) {
System.out.println("Widen"); //Widen will print.
- Widening is prefered over Var-Args. Again, this is to preserve legacy code behavior because var-args is a Java 5 feature.
static void foo() {
byte a = 10;
byte b = 20;
go(a, b);
static void go(byte... x) {
System.out.println("Var Args");
static void go(long x, long y) {
System.out.println("Widen"); //Widen will print.
- Finally, Boxing beats Var-args. This is because var-args is more broader than boxing, since the varargs can accept any number of arguments.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
foo(a, b);
static void foo(Integer x, Integer y) {
System.out.println("Boxing"); //Will print Boxing
static void foo(long ... la) {
- Illegal to widen wrapper classes ! Because Integer is NOT A Long and a Short is NOT A Integer.
- An int can be boxed to an Integer, it can fit into a long, but cannot be matched to a Long.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 10;
bar(i); //Compiler Error
static void bar(Long x) {
- However this will work because an int can be boxed to an Integer which IS-A Object.
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte b = 10;
bar(i); //Compiler Error
static void bar(Object x) {
System.out.println("Box-and-Widen"); //Will print "Box-and-Widen".
- Widening and Boxing can be combined with var-args. This is NOT overloading though.
static void go() {
int i = 10, j = 20;
foo(i, j) //OK
bar(i, j) //OK
static void foo(long... la) {
static void bar(Integer... ia) {
- These wont work:
void go() {
foo(3, 4); //Compiler Error - Amibiguous.
void foo(int... la) {
void foo(long... la) {
void go() {
byte a = 10;
byte b = 20;
foo(a, b); //Compiler Error - Amibiguous.
void foo(int... la) {
void foo(Byte... la) {