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- Assertions allow the testing of assumptions about a program.
- Using assertions allow easy detection of bugs during development without writing exception handlers etc.
- We "assert" that something will be true at some point in the code. If it is, code keeps running, if it is false, an AssertionError will be thrown.
//Without assertions
private static void processAge1(int age) {
if(age > 0) {
System.out.println("Processing age ...");
} else {
System.out.println("Age < 0 !");
//With assertions
private static void processAge2(int age) {
assert age > 0;
System.out.println("Processing age ...");
- Second version of assert takes a second expression which must return a value (primtive/object). The return value can be anything.
- This object's string value is added to the assertion error stack trace.
private static void processAge2(int age) {
assert age > 0 : errorCode();
System.out.println("Processing age ...");
private static List<String> errorCode() {
return Arrays.asList("oops");
Compiling with assertions
- Assertions were introduced as a keyword in java 1.4.
- Using the source flag - 1.4 onwards trying to use assert as an identifier will result in a compile failure.
- Trying to use -source 1.3 with assert as an identifier will produce warnings and compilation will fail with assert as a keyword.
Running with assertions
- Assertions are disabled by default.
- To enable use the -ea flag.
- To disable use the -da flag. This is useful to disable assertions for specific classes/packages.
- java -ea -da:net.suhrid.Foo //Enable for all exception of the net.suhrid.Foo class
- java -ea:net.suhrid.Bar //Enable only for the net.suhrid.Bar class
- java -ea -da:net.suhrid.util... //Disable assertions for the net.suhrid.util and all packages below it in the hierarchy.