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Wrapper Classes

  • Wrapper classes for primtives are a mechanism to include primitives in activities reserved for objects. e.g. being part of Collections.
  • Wrapper objects are immutable !
  • All have two constructors - one takes a primitive, other a string representation.
  • A valueOf() method also takes a string and returns a wrapper object in return. Also accepts an optional base (for Octal, Hex etc)
  • Wrapper to primitive - use the xxxValue() methods like intValue() and floatValue()
  • String to primitive - e.g. Integer.parseInt("22"), Double.parseDouble("3.14");
  • toString() returns the string representation of the value represented by the wrapper.
  • also base conversion is possible through static utility methods in Integer and Long - e.g. toBinaryString(), toHexString() and toOctalString().

Autoboxing Intro

  • New feature in Java 5 which avoids having to manually wrap and unwrap a primitive.
  • A wrapper can be used like a primitive.
  • But since wrappers are immutable, any "change" in the wrappers value leads to a new wrapper object being created. See below: incrementing y means y will refer to a new object.
Integer y = new Integer(42);
Integer x = y;
System.out.println(x==y); //Prints true
System.out.println(x==y); //Prints false