Gym attendance surprise

It has been exactly two months since I joined a gym.  Since I paid a considerable amount of money, I was motivated enough to go “regularly”. Other than about a weeks break when I was traveling, I was in the gym pretty often.  So, when I looked at my workout card today, I was surprised to see how many days I actually went.  I always thought that my attendance would be around 75%.   In reality it was 50% !  Damn. So over a period of two months, I was in the gym for just a month.  All those I’m-going-to-skip-today, Sundays and sick days – they weren’t too many, but they added up to be quite a bit.  Anyhow,  this shows how deceptive our perception of commitment to a task can be.  In general it also shows how people being lazy is a good thing for a gym. I always wondered how the gym kept signing up new folks regularly but the place never seemed to get crowded. I suppose the overall attendance averages out to somewhere between 25 to 30%.  So it is in the best business interests of the gym for people to be lazy. (Of course, after they sign up). Freakonomics anyone ? In terms of weight loss, I just lost a couple of kilos over two months. I am reasonably happy with this and I credit this to the fact that I watched what I ate.  This whole working out thing is something that keeps you fit and healthy. It really doesn’t help you to lose weight, at best it keeps you from adding more. You have to eat less. Period. Don’t believe anything what anyone promises in terms of weight loss, losing weight is hard work and it takes time.