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* Assemble rather than generate.
* Assemble rather than generate.
* SW product lines simplify the creation of systems built specifically for customers or customer groups.
* SW product lines simplify the creation of systems built specifically for customers or customer groups.
= Core Assets =
* The essence of a sw product line is the disciplined, strategic reuse of assets.
* Any artefact can be reused as an asset:
** Requirements - Most of req's are common with earlier systems.
** Arch. Design - Most imp design step already done.
** Software components - Not just code reuse. Design processes, design successes reused.
** Performance and modeling analysis - Perf models, schedulability analysis, distributed system issues.
** Testing - Test plans, processes, cases, test data, harnesses etc.
** Project planning - Budgeting, scheduling from pervious experience. Team size, composition.
** Processes, methods and tools - Config control procedures and facilities, tools, coding standards.
** People - transferred within projects.
** Exemplar systems - Deployed products serve as high quality demo prototypes.
** Defect elimination - Each new system takes adv of defect elimination of its forebears.
* Reuse nomrally difficult. SW product lines make reuse work by establishing a very strict context for it.
* Nothing is placed in the core asset library which was not built to be reused.

Revision as of 08:30, 12 April 2012


  • SW architecture is a big investment of time and effort usually by senior talent.
  • Maximize this return by reusing an architecture across multiple systems.
  • SW product line is a set of sw intensive systems sharing a common, managed set of features that satisfy the specific needs of a particular market segment or mission. And are developed from a common set of core assets in a prescribed way.
  • Many products similar - planned rather than by accident.
  • Select components from a set of core assets.
  • Tailor assets - the mechanism is pre-planned. (e.g. parameterise)
  • Assemble rather than generate.
  • SW product lines simplify the creation of systems built specifically for customers or customer groups.

Core Assets

  • The essence of a sw product line is the disciplined, strategic reuse of assets.
  • Any artefact can be reused as an asset:
    • Requirements - Most of req's are common with earlier systems.
    • Arch. Design - Most imp design step already done.
    • Software components - Not just code reuse. Design processes, design successes reused.
    • Performance and modeling analysis - Perf models, schedulability analysis, distributed system issues.
    • Testing - Test plans, processes, cases, test data, harnesses etc.
    • Project planning - Budgeting, scheduling from pervious experience. Team size, composition.
    • Processes, methods and tools - Config control procedures and facilities, tools, coding standards.
    • People - transferred within projects.
    • Exemplar systems - Deployed products serve as high quality demo prototypes.
    • Defect elimination - Each new system takes adv of defect elimination of its forebears.
  • Reuse nomrally difficult. SW product lines make reuse work by establishing a very strict context for it.
  • Nothing is placed in the core asset library which was not built to be reused.