Java Concurrency
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Concurrent Programming
- The name given to programming notations and techniques to express potential parallelism and solve the resulting communication and synchronization problems.
- Why do we need it ? To allow the expression of potential parallelism so that more than CPU can solve the problem.
- To model the parallelism in the real world.
- Alternative is difficult: programmer must construct sequential program as a cyclic execution of task to handle various concurrent activities.
- This make programming difficult and introduction of structures which are irrelevant to the problem at hand.
- Parallel execution on multiple CPU's is difficult.
- A concurrent program is a collection of autonomous sequential processes executing logically in parallel.
- Each process has a single thread of control.
- The actual implementation of these collection of processes can be via:
- Multiprogramming: Multiple processes multiplex their executions on a single processor.
- Multiprocessing: Multiple processes multiplex their executions on a a multiprocessor system where there is access to shared memory.
- Distributed processing: Multiple processes multiplex their executions on several processors where they do not share memory.
Problems with concurrent programming
- Deadlock is a condition where each concurrent activity is waiting for another to perform an operation.
- Four conditions required for a deadlock
- Mutual exclusion
- Hold and wait
- No preemption
- Circular wait
- Starvation is a condition where one or more concurrent activities are continuously denied resources as a result of others.
- Interference may occur when more than one concurrent activity attempt to update shared data.
- Livelock A livelock is similar to a deadlock, except that the states of the processes involved in the livelock constantly change with regard to one another, none progressing.
- A real-world example of livelock occurs when two people meet in a narrow corridor, and each tries to be polite by moving aside to let the other pass, but they end up swaying from side to side without making any progress because they both repeatedly move the same way at the same time.
Real time systems
- A real time system is any system which has to respond to a stimuli within a finite and specified period.
- The correctness depends on both the result and the time it was delivered.
- Failure to respond is as bad as the wrong response.
- Types of real time systems
- Hard real-time — systems where it is absolutely imperative that responses occur within the required deadline. E.g. Flight control systems.
- Soft real-time — systems where deadlines are important but which will still function correctly if deadlines are occasionally missed. E.g. Data acquisition system.
- Firm real-time — systems which are soft real-time but in which there is no benefit from late delivery of service.
Characteristics of RTS
- Concurrent control of separate system components.
- Facilities to interact with special purpose hardware.
- Extreme reliability and safe.
- Guaranteed response times.
Java Concurrency
- Java supports threads.
- In the native model, each Java thread maps to a single OS thread.
- In the green thread model, threads are invisible to the OS. The thread library handles all the threading.
- There are various models in which concurrency can be integrated with OOP:
- Asynchronous method calls
- Early returns from methods.
- Futures
- Active Objects
- Java adopts the "active object" model for concurrency.
- What are active objects ? From [1]
- Active objects are different from passive objects (normal objects) because passive objects re-use the execution context of other objects who call methods on them. To make the distinction clearer, consider a normal Java object. When a second object calls a method on it, that method executes inside the same JVM process and thread as the caller method. Many times the object being called will have some concurrency requirements - access to that object may not be thread-safe so it must be serialized, or perhaps internally the called object serializes access to some data. On the other hand, when a method is called on an active object, control returns immediately to the caller, and the active object executes the method in some execution context that it manages. The active object may keep an internal worker thread (or pool of threads) to perform execution. A more advanced active object may delegate execution to a different process or a different computer.
- Active objects, by definition, will execute concurrently with other active objects. They encapsulate a thread.
Communication and Synchronization
- Approaches are broadly classified as shared variable or message passing.
- A monitor is a popular concurrency model.
- A monitor encapsulates a shared resource and provides a procedural/functional interface to that resource.
- In essence, it is rather like an object except for the important property that the procedure/function calls are executed atomically with respect to each other.
- Therefore a monitor is essentially an object where each of its operation executes in mutual exclusion.
Condition Synchronization
- Mutex is not adequate for all forms of cooperation.
- Consider, for example, a printer server that cannot print a file until other threads (clients) have told it what to print. A print-list resource is often used to facilitate communication between the server and the clients. Mutual exclusion is needed to ensure that the print-list remains consistent when accessed by multiple threads. However, the server must also wait when the print-list is empty; clients might need to wait when the list is full.
- This form of synchronization is called condition synchronization, monitors support it through condition variables.
- For every condition for which a thread wishes to wait, there is usually an associated condition variable. In the print-list resource example, two conditions listNotEmpty and listNotFull might be declared. Condition variables themselves may be considered as objects (or abstract data types) with two available operations:
- Wait – this operation will unconditionally suspend the execution of the calling thread and place it on a queue of waiting threads associated with the condition variable.
For example, when the printer server waits on the listNotEmpty condition, it is immediately suspended.
- Notify (or Signal) – this operation will allow the first thread suspended on the queue associated with the condition variable to continue its execution. For example, if the printer server removes an item from the print-list so that the list is now not full, it will call the notify operation on the listNotFull condition variable, thereby waking up one client thread (if any are waiting).
- A condition variable queue is usually ordered either in a first-in-first-out manner or according to the priority of the waiting threads. Some monitors also support a third operation called NotifyAll.
- In Java, every object is associated with a mutual exclusion lock.
- When synchronized keyword is used, lock association happens automatically.
- Threads can wait and notify on an a single anonymous condition variable.
- There are no explicit condition variable supported by the Java language.
- When a thread wakes after a call to wait(), it cannot assume the condition is still true!
- Because when it wakes up, it has to compete for the lock with other threads, so another thread could get the lock and change the state of the program, so the condition is no longer true.
- So threads need to reevaluate their guards.(Typically done using a while loop).
- Consider a class Foo and multiple threads accessing Foo's code.
class Foo {
private static Data staticData;
private Data instanceData;
private ThreadLocal<Data> tLocal;
public void go() {
tLocal.set(new Data());
Data d = tLocal.get();
- Now each object of Foo, say foo1, foo2 will have its own copy of instanceData and a shared copy of static data.
- But what if many threads are accessing the same object say foo1 and we need to store some data of Foo specific to each Thread. Both instance data and static data cannot be used, since they are shared.
- So use a ThreadLocal variable. Threads running foo's methods will set() and get() on the ThreadLocal object.
- Note if T1 does a set and T2() does a get, T2 will get null data because the data is ThreadLocal to T1.
- So if the ThreadLocal variable is an instance variable of Foo, then every instance of Foo will have its own copy of ThreadLocal, which means thread local data can be stored per instance of Foo.
- If we don't care about instance specific data, then Foo can have a static ThreadLocal object which will still allow each Thread to maintain its own copy of Data.
Synchronized Blocks
- Used in its full generality, the synchronized block can undermine one of the advantages of monitor-like mechanisms, that of encapsulating synchronization constraints associate with an object into a single place in the program.
- This is because it is not possible to understand the synchronization associated with a particular object by just looking at the object itself when other objects can name that object in a synchronized statement.
Java Memory Model
- If programmers ensure that all shared variables are only accessed by threads that hold appropriate monitor locks, they need not be concerned with: multiprocessor implementations, compiler optimisations, out-of-order instruction executions etc.
- However, synchronization can be expensive.
- See for a good explanation: Double Checked Locking