Asynchronous Transfer of Control

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  • An ATC is where the point of execution of one SO is changed by the action of another SO.
  • Therefore an SO may be executing on 1 method and through no action of its own, find itself executing in another method.
  • Controversial:
    • Complicates language semantics.
    • Makes it difficult to write correct code as it may be interfered with.
    • Increases complexity of the RTJVM.
    • Slow down code which does not use the feature.

Requirements for ATC

  • Fundamental requirement is for a thread to respond quickly to a condition detected by another thread.
  • Error recovery: To support coordinated error recovery between real-time threads.
    • Where several threads are performing a computation, an error detected by one thread needs to be quickly and safely communicated to other threads.
  • Mode changes: Where changes between modes are expected but cannot be planned.
    • A fault may lead to aircraft abandoning take off and entering emergency mode.
    • An accident in a manufacturing plant may required mode change to shutdown the plant.
    • Threads must be quickly and safely informed that the mode in which they are operating has changed and they now need to perform different sets of actions.
  • Scheduling using partial/imprecise computations:
  • User Interrupts - Users may want to cancel current operation because they have detected an error condition and want to start again.