From Suhrid.net Wiki
Compound Operators
- +=, -=, *= and /=
- Makes code compact
- Operator precedence for compound assignments : The expression on the right side of the = will always be evaluated first!
int x = 2;
x *= 3 + 5;
//This is equivalent to x = x * (3 + 5) and NOT x = (x*2) + 5.
Relational Operators
- Can be applied to ANY combination of integers, floats or chars.
- int's can be compared to doubles
- char's can be compared to int's
int i = 4;
double pi = 3.14;
if( i > pi) {
System.out.println("Greater than pi");
char c = 'C';
if( c > 66) {
System.out.println("C > B");