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* A pre and post condition can be viewed as a '''contract''' between an operation and its invokers.
* A pre and post condition can be viewed as a '''contract''' between an operation and its invokers.
** An extension to the contract imposed by abstract class specialisation, interface realization.
* Something like - "If the client promises to invoke the operation with the precondition satisfied, then the operation guarantees that its implementing methods will deliver a final state in which the postcondition is true".
* Something like - "If the client promises to invoke the operation with the precondition satisfied, then the operation guarantees that its implementing methods will deliver a final state in which the postcondition is true".
* So the invoker doesn't care about how final state is produced
* So the invoker doesn't care about how final state is produced

Revision as of 06:31, 5 January 2012


  • How can we express constraints in UML ?
  • E.g. the balance attribute in a SavingsAccount class can never be less than zero and more than 100000.
  • UML only has a notion of an informal constraint in terms of a note - which can be attached to a model. However its just text.
  • To write formal and machine checkable constraints - we use the Object Constraint Language (OCL).


  • In a program, assertions express constraints on program state that must be true at a specified point during execution.
  • In a model/diagram, they document what must be true of an implementation of a modelling element.

Pre and Post Conditions

  • They are assertions associated with operations of a class.
  • Preconditions - (must be true when operation is invoked). for e.g. an argument to a certain operation cannot be null.
  • Postconditions - (must be true when operation completes). for e.g. the operation must update the database when it completes.
  • Can both be optional.

Class Invariants

  • Classes may have global properties, preserved by all methods in the context of all instances of the class.
  • This is captured by the class invariant - a statement of what is always true of each class's instance.

Design by contract

  • A pre and post condition can be viewed as a contract between an operation and its invokers.
    • An extension to the contract imposed by abstract class specialisation, interface realization.
  • Something like - "If the client promises to invoke the operation with the precondition satisfied, then the operation guarantees that its implementing methods will deliver a final state in which the postcondition is true".
  • So the invoker doesn't care about how final state is produced
  • And the implementer doesn't need to worry about cases where the precondition is not true.
  • So a contract can be many things:
    • A specification of what a method should do.
    • Documentation - more precise than class interfaces.
    • Offers runtime checks for correctness.
    • Are a basis for testing.
    • Are a basis for formal proofs of programs correctness.


  • OCL is the constraint language for UML.
  • Used to write general constraints on UML as well as DBC.
  • Can apply to any modeling element, not only classes.
  • OCL Essential Capabilities:
    • Specifying which model element is to be constrained (the context).
    • Navigating through models to identify objects that are relevant to a constraint.
    • Asserting properties about links between objects.

OCL Context

  • Consider a BankAccountclass with an integer balance.
  • OCL constraint
context BankAccount inv:
self.balance>=0 and self.balance<=250000
  • The constraint is an invariant that applies in the context of the class BankAccount. Invariant for the context BankAccount means that the constraint holds true for all instances of BankAccount.
  • Note it does not have the same meaning as static.
  • This means the balance for any BankAccount object must be within 0 and 250000.
  • self means the same thing as "this".
  • In this case, self need not be mentioned (doesnt make a difference though)

Navigation Expressions

  • We can refer to object that are linked to the context object.
  • We need to start from the context object. Consider the below example:


  • To get the set of employees working in a department :
context Department
  • The association name has to be followed
  • Think of it something like the below code in Java, to access the Person object,
class Department {
  private Set<Person> staff;

  public Set<Person> getStaff() {
    return this.staff;
  • If there is no association name, then the class name at the destination end of the context object can be used.
  • The class name has to be in lower case
  • Eg to get the department from the company:
context Company
  • The multiplicity of the assocation will tell us how many objects are retrieved.
  • e.g. below OCL will retrieve one object
context Department

Iterated Traversals

  • Navigations can be composed of multiple references - we can denote more paths through a diagram.
  • e.g All the people who work for a comapany
context Company

self.department will give a set of departments, and then .staff is applied to each department producing a set of people. If people were not unique to a department, then a bag of people would be returned.

Names and Invariants

  • An OCL invariant need not be applicable to any instance:
  • e.g.
context bart: Person inv
bart.age == 10
  • Here bart is an object of type Person and we are stating that for the object bart, the age will always be 10. This is the invariant constraint for a single object.
  • An invariant can be given a name:
context bart: Person inv how_old:
bart.age == 10

Basic types

  • OCL supports basic types such as boolean, integer, real, string
  • Collection types such as collection,set,bag,tuple, are also basic types.
  • Additionally, every class appearing in the UML class model can be used as a basic type in OCL.

Basic operations

  • oclIsTypeOf(t:OclType):true, if selfand t are the same type (This is sort of useless, better to use oclIsKindOf())
  • oclIsKindOf(t:OclType):true, if self and t are the same type or self is of a class derived from t (This behaves like Java's instanceof operator)
  • oclInState(s:OclState):true, if selfis in the state specified by s. s is the name of some state in the statechartfor the class.
  • oclIsNew():true if used in a postcondition and the object is created by the operation.

Logic in OCL

  • Three valued: true, false and undefined.
  • e.g. illegal type conversion can result in undefined.
  • What will be the result of combining OCL's logic operators together ? i.e. what is the truth table ?
  • An expression is undefined if one of its arguments is undefined, except:
    • true OR anything is true (conventional)
    • false AND anything is false (conventional)
    • false IMPLIES anything is true. (TODO: what does this mean)

Operations on objects and collections

  • Operations and attributes defined for classes in a model can be used in an OCL expression.
  • Example:
context Person
  • Collections have some built in operations (like Java's Collection class has methods like size(), toArray() etc) which are accessed through the "->" operator.
  • e.g. sum() is a pre-defined operation on integer collection, here salary is a bag of integers - representing salarys of all staff.
context Department
  • How this works is that staff (self.staff) where self refers to a department instance will return a bag of Person objects. staff.contract will then return a bag of contract objects (contracts for all person objects in previous bag), similarly a bag of grade objects, followed by a bag of salary objects. The operation sum() is then applied to this bag.


  • An operation which allows us to specify criteria by which we can pick certain objects from a collection.
  • Like an SQL Query.
  • e.g : specify an invariant for the company, that none of its employees should have a salary that exceeds 50000
context Company inv:
employees->select(p:Person | p.contract.grade.salary > 50000)->isEmpty()

Here the select is working on bag of Person that employees produces. The first part of select specifies on which object we are applying the condition, then a '|' separator character, then the condition for the select. Then the operator isEmpty() is applied which will return true if the collection returned by the select is true.


  • Takes an expression as an argument and makes a collection which contains all values of the expression.
  • for e.g. this gives a bag of all ages of all employees in a department.
  • TODO: Note just this statement, probably doesnt make sense, because its not acting as a constraint.
context Department
staff->collect(p:Person | p.Age())
  • Another usage of collect,
context Person inv: 

instead of

context Person inv:

[TODO: ? Isnt the second notation simpler, isnt collect supposed to take an expression ]


  • Some basic invariant constraints:
  • A person's employer must be the same as the person's department's company.
context Person inv:
self.employer == self.department.company
  • None of the employees in a company can be under the age of 18
context Company inv:
self.employees->select(age()<18)->isEmpty() [TODO : isnt the structure of the select mandatory to have, the p:Person | p.Age() < 18 ?)

Iterative constraints

  • select is an iterative constraint [How ? : see TODO above ]
  • forAll: return true if every member of collection satisfies the boolean expression. (something like Java containsAll())
context Company inv: grade->forAll(g:Grade|not g.contract->isEmpty())
  • exists: true if there is one member of the collection satisfying the boolean expression (something like Java contains)
context Department inv:
staff->exists(e:Employee | e.manager->isEmpty())
  • allInstances: returns all instances of a type and its subtypes. not always necessary to use it - Difficult to implement it.
    • Better to set the correct context, rather than use allInstances.

e.g. context Grade inv: self.salary>20000 is better than Grade.allInstances->forAll(g:Grade | g.salary > 20000)

    • allInstances might be useful to specify change in objects known to a system, (maybe constrain the no of objects to a specific number ?)

Pre and post conditions

  • Pre and post conditions are standard OCL constraints
  • Example: @pre refers to the balance in the prestate.
context Savings_Account::withdraw(intamount)
pre: amount <= balance
post: balance = balance@pre-amount


  • Generalizations CANNOT be navigated in OCL.
  • However they can be constrained. (TODO : Perhaps, we can say used in Constraints) e.g. by saying a certain generic type must be a certain specific type
  • e.g. a:Account and a.oclIsKindOf(CurrentAccount)
  • There are some recommendations that subclasses must adopt when it comes to constraints. (These are like the Java rules on what subclasses can do with exceptions for e.g.)
  • preconditions may be weakened (‘or’ new clauses)
  • postconditions may be strengthened(‘and’ new clauses)
  • new clauses may be and-ed to the invariant
  • TODO: Come up with an example.

TODO: Wife, husband example first one also, one check is enough ?

Constraints in Prog Languages

  • Java supports assertions.
  • Typically assertions are handled in testing tools like JUnit.
  • However, it depends where assertions are implemented - in code or in the test.

Class invariants

  • A class invariant means something that always is true within the context of a class.
  • But, how can this be constrained using assertions ? Class invariant assertions need to be implemented at the end of every method. Ugly!

False Preconditions

  • The client has an obligation to satisfy the precondition.
  • If the precondition is false - then it's the callers fault, this is helpful in tracking down errors.
  • The OCL contract does not say anything about what to do when the precondition is false.
    • Any approach can work - throw an exception, return an error code.
    • Or Just Crash !
  • The responsibility of ensuring that the invariant is true is spread across the classes.
    • Constructors, methods etc must ensure the invariant is true. Although during operations, the invariant could be false.

Assertion Inheritance

  • As in inheritance, the contract must be maintained at all times, so
  • Preconditions in subclasses must be weaker or the same.
  • Postconditions in subclasses must be stronger or the same.
  • Example:
class Adult {

   void check(int age) {
      assert age > 18;

      assert age > 18;


class Driver extends Adult {

    void check(int age) {
      //pre - is weaker
      assert (age > 16);

      //post - is stronger
      assert (age > 16 && licenseValid==true);


//Clients will always be happy when they are using the original contract of the Adult class

Adult a = new Adult();
Adult d = new Driver();
d.check(19); //original contract satisfied
d.check(17); //weaker condition also satisfied