Web Application Architectures

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Design Patterns

Client - Server Model

  • n-tier Architecture : Each tier provides a specific functionality and interacts with adjacent tiers through well defined interfaces.
  • Early web-apps were 2-tier client architectures. Server served mainly static web pages.
  • 3 Tier Architecture : Most common : Presentation Tier, Application Tier, Data Tier
  • App Tier divided into : Business Logic Tier, Data Access Tier (insulates from specific DB)
  • Presentation Tier divided into : Client Side UI components, Server Side UI components that generate web pages.


  • Rails is a Ruby gem.
  • Uses a lot of code generators, automated testing scripts etc.
  • Provides additinal tools such as Rake - to create/migrate databases, clear web session data etc.
  • WEBrick is the web server that is bundled with Rails.
  • Rails directory structure :
