Diwali Insanity

Yes, today is Diwali. The worst fucking day of the year. This is when shit-heads all over the country burst crackers the whole freaking day and night. The crackers are ear-drum-puncture loud. OK, it may make sense to light a few symbolic crackers/fireworks to celebrate the festival of light and all that pile of horseshit. But why in God’s name do you have to fucking do it every second of the day you sick retards ?

Why dirty the already filthy streets ? Why turn the chaos into a cacophony ?

I was dreaming up the horrific abuses that, given the chance, I could mete out to these vile bastards. I was typing it here, but then realized that these particular sentiments could cause me to be branded as  a social psychopath.

But I think we know who the real psychopaths are. Happy Diwali.

India – Noisy and Nosy

We Indians are the world’s noisiest (and nosiest people). Let me get done with the nosy part first.  We have a twisted and perverse interest in the affairs of other people.  I will concede that folks world wide have an ear for gossip which explains the whole paparazzi and the tabloid business. However, the point where things get so annoying is that people here make concerted efforts to get private information out – directly or indirectly.  Everyone right from the security guard, the maid, colleagues, neighbours take a keen interest in every stupid little thing. Where did you go ? How come you are late today ? Who is that friend of yours ?  All right, What the fuck ? Yes, you may have these thoughts inside your sick mind, but why ask directly ? What is your fucking business asshole ? Anyway, I have now resigned myself to this and now answer in monosyllables rather than asking the offenders to fuck off.

OK, now to the noisy part. This is probably the most exasperating, frustrating part of daily life in India. There’s noise everywhere – every fucking where. It’s unimaginable.   Loud music/TV, traffic honking, shouting while talking, construction noise and not to mention dogs.   The worst criminals are these “organizers” of local celebrations of all kinds of religious festivals.  Of course complaining against loud noise will only hurt religious sentiments. What a load of bullshit.  Is that how you celebrate a religious festival ? It is an occasion to sincerely thank the almighty for his blessings  and for quiet reflection and prayer. Can there be even an ounce of devotion that is possible with loud blaring music from cheap speakers ? The situation is of course compounded when there are competing local celebrations each attempting to outdo each other in the “who can play the loudest music” game. Do not these morons realize that there can be infants, old people, sick patients who can be severely affected by noise ?

The next bunch of assholes are those who play the fucking TV and radio loudly. What the fuck is their problem ?  Behenchod! There is some thing called headphones for fuck’s sake. What’s really incredible is complaints are met with blank faces – oh my god, how can that even disturb you ?  In general, Indians tend to have a high noise tolerance.  I am frequently surprised to find people not upset by high levels of noise.

It is impossible to find peace, quite and solitude in this country. At home, you are besieged by neighbours and other assholes. At work by co-worker retards who are compelled to loudly discuss everything. While commuting, traffic noise. You cant think straight! You go to a resort in the wilderness and some bastard is chopping wood or playing something obscene on his cellphone.

So, what’s the solution ? Unfortunately none that works. Legislation exists but is rarely enforced and you might get into trouble for complaining.  I have tried noise isolating earphones with limited success.  At home, you can try fitting noise insulating windows and maybe at work you can ask your colleagues to shut the fuck up.

If all else fails, pray. (Quietly of course).

Delicious New Bookmark

I have been using delicious (the bookmarking website) off and on for quite a while.  I used the Firefox plug in which had a nice big button on the toolbar to create a new bookmark. Now I was using Firefox which didn’t have the delicious plug in installed and I wanted to save a bookmark, so I had to use the website.  For the life of me, I couldn’t find the new bookmark link anywhere. Finally I found it – hidden away in the top-right (just below the search box). What the fuck ?  For a bookmarking website, the add new bookmark button should be the biggest, most conspicuous button on the page – screaming for attention! I dont get it at all – I mean who okays these usability decisions ?

Where is it, goddamit ?
Dammit, where is the submit new bookmark button ?

Too easy unsubscription ?

I hate it when websites and corporations send you email but don’t offer an easy way to unsubscribe from the shit-loads of unsolicited junk. Sometimes the unsubscribe link is buried away in size 0.1 font somewhere at the bottom of the email, sometimes they don’t’ work, sometimes they seemingly work only for you to horribly realize later that you’re getting even more email. Understandably people make it intentionally harder to unsubscribe because well getting people to read your mail in the first place is tough. All I ask is make sure you have an unsubscription process that is relatively accessible and painless.  So I was shocked when I got this email from a mailing list that I was on.

Too easy unsubscribe
Oh, we just thought you might not want us...

It’s like the folks at Notre Dame MBA did all the hard work in getting my email address – either interested me enough to sign up for their email or got it from a database.  (Both of which Im sure cost them in some way).  Then they decide to send me an email saying that oh well we’ve been sending you mail and newsletters about our program  but here’s an email which we have specially sent you so that you can undo all we’ve done so far in a single click. Thanks!

I clicked the link and was unsubscribed instantaneously.

Why would any seller of products/services want to do this ? It beats me.   The irony of it is that this comes from an MBA program.

Comic Sans

I hate ComicSans with a vengeance.  It is a disgusting font – immature, frivolous and visually jarring.   Here is a much better explanation of why ComicSans needs to be banned.  I think the choice of typography says a lot about someone – and ComicSans probably represents scum.  Also do not fucking use Word to design HTML mailers – it is downright ugly, use something professional. OK ?

Chennai Autorickshaws

Hiring an autorickshaw in Chennai is a fucking nightmare. (Well all over India, but more so here).  The auto drivers are illiterate, uncouth and rude assholes who are out to rip you off.   All auto charges are unregulated – this means that the meter is a mere decoration – and the drivers charge outrageous prices .  The drivers are school dropouts without zero education and zero road sense ; They drive the auto as if they are in a freaking video game.   The bus is not a great alternative, because they always seems to be packed and you have to figure out the routes.  However, hiring a “call-taxi” is a great alternative. I recommend Fasttrack.  They are economical  and provide punctual and efficient service. The drivers are courteous and professional. The only catch is you can’t wave them down – you have to make a booking on the phone and then they pick you up.  I seriously recommend to always hire a call taxi in Chennai.

Sometimes taking the auto is a necessity, here are a few tips to make the experience slightly tolerable.

Always fix the fare before getting into the Auto.  Auto drivers sometimes ask for you to quote the price you are willing to pay.  If you know the realistic fare for the distance – then just quote that fare and stick to your guns. If the driver demands more, just walk away – he will most likely follow you and agree for your price. Otherwise just pick another auto which would have queued up in the background while you are haggling with the current one.

Now, if the auto driver quotes a price – a good guideline is to immediately cut that price by 40-50%.   This will be the “real” price.  If further negotiations ensue, do not pay  anything more than 10Rs in addition to the real price. Just say balls and walk away.  Supply is more than demand – You’ll always win.

The other thing to watch out for is reckless and downright dangerous driving by the drivers. Breakneck speeds, sharp turns, violation of red signals, one-ways and all kinds of depravity. I don’t know if they get their kicks out of some deranged sense of bravado.  If you feel the driving is reckless firmly ask the driver to slow down. Do not be silent – the autorickshaw is an inherently unstable vehicle – its better to be safe then sorry. Sometimes the drivers are also drunk – in this case immediately bail from the vehicle. Pay some money if necessary, but just get the hell out.

Clear on cloud

There’s a lot of buzz about cloud computing these days.  The basic idea is to not install any software or application – but instead pay someone else who installs and runs it for you using their hardware – while you use it over the internet (aka “the cloud”).

While I am not fully informed on the subject – which anyway will not stop me from proclaiming that my vote goes to the cloud computing idea. I think its an idea whos time has come.   Why ? Because deploying and maintaining enterprise software is difficult, complex, overwhelming, yup, here’s the term I was looking for – its fucking painful.  It reminds me of the acronym – FMGWACS – Fuck Me Gently With A Chain Saw. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s what IT folks says when deploying enterprise software.  Order freakingly expensive hardware, invest in a rainbow of licenses, coordinate with a billion folks for a myriad variety of tasks – network teams for loadbalancing, OS teams for deploying, SAN teams for storage, cluster configuration teams and <insert-your-favourite> team. Its crazy, expensive and a time-destroyer.

I’m sure that companies will pay good money to get this monkey off their backs.  That’s why I’m betting the cloud model will kick ass someday.

Annoying ICICI Prudential Man

You must have seen the ICICI Prudential “Jeete Raho” ad. You couldnt have missed it. Even if you live under a rock and crawl out once in ten years. Well, the ad is incredibly cheesy, with a little brat, a kinda pretty but irritating wife, but the most annoying character is the husband. I hate the goddamn guy, not only the character, but if I met the actor in real life I would probably blow him up with a Panzerschreck. Why ? For starters, he has this goddamn smug look. Second, he has big nostrils. I cant pin it down, but something about big nostrils is inherently off-putting. An uncle of mine has big nostrils too and I hate him as well. I seriously recommend people with big nostrils to get plastic surgery.  Look at the video and judge for yourselves:

Anyway, back to the ICICI man, he’s also in another ICICI Prudential ad where incredibly, he manages to look even more stupid, by sporting a hair patch under the lip and spouting further smug inanities. ICICI Prudential has probably lost a million new cutomers because of these ads. Seriously guys, do the world a good deed by taking these ads off.

Stuck in a time warp

Ever read The Hindu ? Its a newspaper in India thats been around for a very long time. Very conservative, very old fashioned. Very suitable for anyone who’s say above 80 years old. In one word, the most crushingly boring paper you can ever read.  Allright, thats my opinion.

But, heres one major rant I have against the Hindu. They are stuck in a time warp. They have a city supplement called Metro Plus. Every other day theres an article about oh-how-glorious-it-would-be if everyone would stop writing emails and instead pick up a pen (fountain-pen) and paper and write reams of letters. And how great it was be in the days where we used to watch Doordarshan and there was no cable. And how great it was in the days where there were no mobile phones. You get the drift ?

These guys want to get back to the 60’s or maybe the 50’s.  It’s funny, the reporters routinely come up with stuff like this (almost every week) and these guys are what ? 25-30 years old. I dont believe it.  Come on you lazy idiots, stop bitching about how the old days were better. Get busy and start reporting about interesting stuff in Bangalore instead of dishing out the same bullshit every other week.

Musical Talent ? Crap.

There is an insanely large number of musical talent shows on Indian TV Channels. Every time I flip channels on the remote, every other channel has some kind of talent search bullshit going on. Most of them are related to unearthing the next great kid singer. The format is instantly recognizable :

  • A wide eyed little brat dressed in some garish costume – ( I saw a kid wearing a shiny silver suit once !).
  • A panel of three “judges” who sit around wearing headphones. Mostly these are some sort of former music directors, film personalities who are currently unemployed or have lost relevance.
  • A moron as an ‘anchor’ who keeps mouthing inane words of encouragement
  • Finally this is the most disgusting -  The audience. This mostly consists of the kids’ overweight parents who sit in the hot studio wearing their best. They are accompanied by neighbours, aunts, uncles, grandparents, the neighbourhood watchman, the dog and what-have-you.

Now the kid starts “singing”. This is mostly an old film number which the brat completely screws up – it sounds terrible. However once the kids is done, the judge(s) are usually appreciative, predicting what a great singer he would turn out to be in later life, whereas the parents indulgently look on.

This part is actually what is depressing. The audience – they seem so happy, so thrilled, so blissful. Take for instance, the kids dad. This is his life’s finest moment – a pinnacle of achievement when his progeny is on TV, bleating away.  He then goes back to his dead end job, informs his colleagues that his son/daughter will be on TV, basks in the momentary attention and feels on top of the world.

Get a life people, dont put your sons/daughters in dog and pony shows and think that its cool.